Language Coaching for Spanish Learners2023-02-09T09:13:15-03:00

Do you want to learn Spanish more effectively?

Learning Spanish can be challenging. You need to tune into the right mindset, connect with your motivations, find resources, create habits, and the list goes on. If you’ve been studying Spanish for some time and feel stuck, at a plateau, and making little progress towards your goals, it’s possible to change that for the better. Maybe you’re not sure about the learning resources you are currently using. Or you lack motivation and discipline to get yourself to study as much as you’d like. Either if you are taking individual lessons, you joined a language course, or if you’re studying on your own. I can help you break through the language barriers that keep you away from your goals 🙂.

I can help you

  • Assess your current skill level in Spanish
  • Define meaningful Spanish goals
  • Design a reliable and actionable Spanish learning plan (100% personalized)
  • Choose a variety of comprehensible and compelling input sources in text, audio, and video format in Spanish that work for you
  • Create language learning habits and routines that you can sustain over time
  • Get good pronunciation in Spanish
  • How to start speaking (or increase your fluency) in Spanish
  • How to write better and more accurately in Spanish
  • How to get and use feedback from Spanish teachers and instructors
  • How to use Anki and other SRS’s on a regular basis
  • How to find conversation partners and language exchanges
  • How to learn new skills and hobbies in Spanish


I loved working with Walter and found it enormously helpful. I have been studying Spanish for many years, and Walter was able to quickly identify the areas where I could study much more effectively.  Together we created a study plan that has totally transformed my approach to the language. Not only am I learning more, but I’m also having much more fun.

Judi M. (United States)

Walter Freiberg is the ultimate cheerleader! Without his knowledge and encouragement, I wouldn’t have signed up for learn-to-draw for beginners classes with instruction solely in Spanish, I wouldn’t be listening to interesting podcasts in Spanish while I cook dinner, and I wouldn’t be curled up in a corner reading “The DaVinci Code” as “El Codigo DaVinci,” all of which have contributed greatly to my language skills. His suggestions have been invaluable.

Ginger L. (United States)

I participated in a seminar program with Walter about developing hobbies in the language you’re learning. I enjoyed the experience so much that I decided to sign up for his coaching program. I have to say it was completely worth it. Walter helped me find unique and interesting ways to incorporate Spanish into my everyday life. I like how amenable he is to the ideas of immersion learning – but at the same time, he doesn’t scoff at more traditional methods. That can be a hard quality to find in a tutor/mentor.

After just over a year of learning Spanish, I reached a comfortable level of conversational fluency. I think Walter played an important role in me reaching that goal. And since there’s always room for improvement, I continue to follow Walter’s content so that I’m always al tanto regarding unique and interesting ways to engage with the language I’m learning.

Andrew L. (United States)

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you going to teach me Spanish?2023-03-19T17:16:11-03:00

I’m going to guide you and assist you in the process of learning Spanish (or another language). We are going to work on the mechanical aspects of the language (such as grammar, grammatical structures, and pronunciation) and how to put it into practice. The learning goals will be based on your own interests and needs.

What Spanish level do I need to participate?2023-03-19T17:21:28-03:00

This activity is recommended for intermediate students (B1/B2). If you’ve already read one of the B1/B2 Spanish Novels with good understanding, you’re probably ready for this. In case you’re not sure, you can ask me 🙂 .

Why should I take group classes instead of individual ones?2023-03-19T17:21:57-03:00

Group classes have more social energy and offer additional practice opportunities as individual ones. It depends on your preferences and inclinations. There are people who learn better with others and make excellent use of peer accountability and collaborating with others. Maybe you’re one of them 😉 .

What are the weekly assignments? Why are they optional?2023-03-19T17:09:50-03:00

Every week, you will have the choice of completing different assignments, depending on your time availability and personal goals/interests. I will not enforce homework on anyone. The comprehension group will have activities around reading & listening comprehension based on the Spanish Novels and other contents chosen by the group. The production group, on the other hand, will practice writing & speaking in the form of short pieces of content (text or video/audio).

How much time will I have to practice between the group sessions?2023-03-20T10:35:25-03:00

This is up to you. Usually, more practice time should help you progress faster 🙂 .  I would recommend at least one hour a week (dedicated to reading/listening or writing/speaking, if you’re participating in just one of the groups).

What do you mean with ‘Comprehension Group’ and ‘Production Group’?2023-03-19T17:25:18-03:00

Comprehension Group: Input Group (activities to understand language, ie. reading and listening)

Production Group: Output Group (activities to create and produce language, ie. writing and speaking)

Why are there two types of groups instead of just one?2023-03-19T17:29:02-03:00

Due to the size of the groups (10 participants max.) and the length of the sessions (1 hour), I preferred to divide the four main skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) into two groups. I noticed that some people prefer to continue working on their comprehension (even at a B1/B2 level) and others want to increase their fluency when speaking/writing and reduce their mistakes. There are still those who would like to work on all the skills at the same time. They are invited to join both groups 🙂 .

I haven’t read the Spanish Novels. Can I still participate?2023-03-19T17:36:43-03:00

Yes, you can! 😃 The practice materials will be provided to all the participants.

(having said that, I would highly recommend you get the novels 🤓).

I have a different question that is not listed here…2023-03-19T17:37:46-03:00

Send me a WhatsApp message or write me an email at, and I’ll try to help!

Do I need to buy the Spanish Novels to take part in this program?2023-03-19T17:16:04-03:00

No, it’s not necessary 🙂

Is this coaching available only for Spanish or I can learn other languages?2023-03-19T17:15:56-03:00

I can help you learn Spanish or any other language of your choice (see question below).

Can you help me learn ANY language?2023-03-19T17:15:49-03:00

I have personal and direct experience with the languages I already know and studied: Spanish, English, German, Italian, and Portuguese. These are the languages I could help you the most. Having said that, if you are learning a different language, I could help you as well (many of the strategies, methods, and learning habits are applicable to most languages).

How many languages can I choose to learn in this coaching process?2023-03-19T17:15:36-03:00

Just one 😁. It’s possible to learn multiple languages at the same time, but here we’re only going to focus on one. In any case, the tools and strategies you will learn along this coaching process will serve you for a lifetime of language learning. You will be able to transfer and apply what you learn in this process to other languages.

Do you provide the learning materials I will need to study my target language?2023-03-19T17:15:27-03:00

I will help you choose and select the right materials for you, giving you both free and paid options. In case you decide to buy textbooks, courses or other paid materials, those would be paid at your own expense.

I have another question…2023-03-19T17:15:43-03:00

Ask me on WhatsApp by clicking here, e-mail me at, or just fill in this form 🙂.

Learn more about it

Not sure if this is something for you? Send me a message at, or fill in this form to see if I can help you reach your goals 🙂.

Ready to sign up for language coaching? Click here 😃.

I wish you fulfill all your language learning & skill building aspirations for 2023!

Walter Freiberg (aka. Paco Ardit)

Language Coach & Author

Native language: Spanish
Other languages: English, German, Italian, and Portuguese
Now learning: Thai

Learning is one of the most important things in my life. I like to learn all kinds of things: languages, music, writing, and other skills. What fascinates me the most is the learning process: that is, ‘learning how to learn.’ I love sharing my insights on the process of learning, and to help others become better learners. My purpose is to empower people to develop their potential and achieve their learning aspirations.

I believe human beings are born to learn and improve, enjoy life and make positive contributions to the world. We all have a tremendous learning potential, and I would love to help you unfold yours.

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