Aprender de los errores
«No dejes que el miedo a cometer errores te impida hablar, pero pídele a tu compañero/a de conversación que te corrija». Kató Lomb ¿A quién no le ha [...]
«No dejes que el miedo a cometer errores te impida hablar, pero pídele a tu compañero/a de conversación que te corrija». Kató Lomb ¿A quién no le ha [...]
«Ten la absoluta certeza de que eres un genio con los idiomas». Kató Lomb La genialidad no es solamente una condición o una capacidad que viene dada de [...]
Aprender un idioma requiere una cierta actitud. Necesitamos tener paciencia y confiar en nuestra capacidad para aprender. Es así cómo con el tiempo podemos ir logrando cosas. Así [...]
I’m always looking for new ways to make language learning enjoyable and compelling. That makes it easier and sustainable in the long term. As I enjoy listening to [...]
You can build your Spanish reading skills by going narrow or broad. In the first case, you read content written on a specific subject or by a certain [...]
A video blog —also known as a vlog— can be a great tool to practice your Spanish speaking skills. It’s about shooting a video of yourself talking to [...]
We tend to underestimate what we can accomplish when we add a little of something every day. What happens when you add one Spanish word each and every [...]
Yes, you can. Of course you can learn Spanish as an adult. Unless... you can’t. Your ability to learn Spanish might be connected to your assumptions, to what [...]
Some language learners are fond of doing grammar exercises and memorizing verb tenses. Others just hate anything grammar altogether. And probably will tell you that you don’t even [...]
I have recently been exploring foreign language dictation as a strategy to gain practice writing in a second language. It would be the equivalent of shadowing to the [...]